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Bariglobe is an innovative Russian-made weight loss system. The device is made of high-quality, biocompatible medical-grade silicone. That is why the wall of the balloon is absolutely smooth and well tolerated by the patient. The valve keeps the saline solution inside the balloon throughout the treatment period.
The “Bariglobe” balloon system is adjustable and more effective compared to similar devices on the market. After approximately 2 months from placement of the basic balloon, the "smaller" additional balloon (350-400 mL volume) available in "ADJUSTABLE BARIGLOBE" and "EXTENDED ADJUSTABLE BARIGLOBE" modifications can be placed to overcome the "plateau" weight loss and maintain the rate of weight loss.
“Bariglobe” can be used for 12 months (“BARIGLOBE EXTENDED” and “BARIGLOBE ADJUSTABLE EXTENDED” modifications).
According to multiple studies published around the world, the average loss of excess weight is 20-30%, which is a perfect result for the non-surgical method.
En septiembre de 2020, el sistema de gestión de calidad de «Epics Implant Industries», LLC fue evaluado por el organismo de certificación LL-C (República Checa) y se encontró que cumple con los requisitos de la norma EN ISO 13485-2016